
Saturday, August 16, 2008



In this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is Kingdom, and the power,
and the glory for ever and ever.


Karena itu berdoalah demikian:
Bapa kami yang di sorga,
Dikuduskanlah nama-Mu,
datanglah Kerajaan-Mu,
jadilah kehendak-MU
di bumi seperti di sorga.
Berikanlah kami pada hari ini
makanan kami yang secukupnya
dan ampunilah kami akan
kesalahan kami, seperti kami juga
mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kami;
dan janganlah membawa kami ke
dalam pencobaan,
tetapi lepaskanlah kami dari pada
yang jahat.

[Karena Engkaulah yang empunya
Kerajaan dan kuasa dan kemuliaan
sampai selama-lamanya. Amien.

Matius 6 : 9 - 13


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Who Moved My Cheese?

Who Moved My Cheese is a motivational book, which is written by Spencer Johnson and first published on 1998. The main topic of the book is about ‘changes’.

In this book, Mr. Spencer believed that change happen and it affects people or organizations’ life or activity. Usually, people or organization would react in different reaction or behavior. And it is sum-up in four typical characters which are illustrated in four figure. Two figures are mice figure named Sniff and Scurry. The other two are little people figure named Hem and Hew.
Illustrated, they live in a maze, and gazing for the cheese in somewhere in the maze to nourish them and make them happy.
The cheese is a represent of what people or organization want in life, such as good job, a loving relationship, money, a possession, health, or spiritual peace of mind. While maze is a represent of where people or organization could find what people or organization wants.

The synopsis

Sniff, Scurry Hem, and Haw is in maze gazing for cheese. Initially without cheese, each group, the mice and humans paired off, travel the lengthy corridor searching for cheese. One day both groups happen upon a cheese-filled corridor in "Cheese Station C". Content with their find, the humans establish routines around their daily intake of cheese slowly becoming arrogant in the process.

One day Sniff and Scurry arrive at Cheese Station C to find no cheese left but they are not surprised. Noticing the cheese supply dwindling, they have mentally prepared for the arduous, but inevitable task of finding more cheese beforehand. Leaving Cheese Station C behind, they begin their hunt for new cheese together. Later that day, Hem and Haw arrive at Cheese Station C only to find the same thing, no cheese. Angered and annoyed, Hem demands "who moved my cheese?". Unprepared, the humans have counted on the cheese supply to be constant. After verifying that the cheese is indeed gone and ranting at the unfairness of the situation, both head home hungry. Returning the next day, Hem and Haw find the same cheeseless station. Beginning to realize the situation at hand, Haw proposes a search for new cheese, but Hem, dead set in his victimized mindset, nixes the proposal.

Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry have found "Cheese Station N", a new supply of cheese. Back at Cheese Station C, Hem and Haw, affected by their lack of cheese, blame each other for their predicament. Hoping to change, Haw again proposes a search for new cheese. Hem however, comforted by his old routine and afraid of the unknown, again knocks down the idea. After many days in denial, including a search for cheese behind the wall of Cheese Station C, the humans remain without cheese. One day, realizing his debilitating fear, Haw begins laughing at the situation. Realizing he should move on, Haw enters the maze, but not before chiseling "If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct" on the wall of Cheese Station C for his friend to ponder.

Still fearful of his trek, Haw jots "What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?" on the wall and, after thinking about it, begins his journey. Still with worry, perhaps he has waited too long to begin his search, Haw finds some scattered cheese and continues his search. Slowly losing his denial, Haw realizes that the cheese has not suddenly disappeared, but has dwindled from continual eating, and that the older cheese was not as tasty and had been moldy. After a let down, an empty cheese station, Haw begins worrying about the unknown again. Brushing aside his fears, Haw's new mindset allows him to again enjoy life; he has even begun to smile again and is realizing "when you move beyond your fear, you feel free." After another empty cheese station, Haw decides to go back for Hem with the few bits of new cheese he has managed to find.

Uncompromising, Hem turns away the new cheese to his friend's dismay. With knowledge acquired along the way, Haw heads back into the maze. Still going deeper into the maze, impelled by bits of new cheese here and there, Haw leaves a trail of writings on the wall, hopeful that his friend will be aided by them in his search for new cheese. Still traveling, Haw one day comes across Cheese Station N. Abundant with cheese, some varieties strange to him, he has found what he is looking for. After eating, Haw reflects on his experience. Pondering a return to his old friend, Haw decides to let Hem find his own way. Finding the largest wall in Cheese Station N, he writes:

Change Happens
They Keep Moving The Cheese
Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Monitor Change
Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old
Adapt To Change Quickly
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
Move With The Cheese
Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again & Again
They Keep Moving The Cheese.

Cautious from past experience, Haw inspects Cheese Station N daily and explores different parts of the maze to prevent complacency from setting in. After hearing movement in the maze one day, Haw realizes someone is approaching the station. Unsure, Haw hopes that it is his friend Hem who has found the way.


Change is happen a.k.a. it really do exist. Our surrounding is changing through time. Every second there are new inventions, new discoveries, new beggining.. and it affects our life. Thus, people need to change to adapt to these changes, whether we want it or not. And I remember of the conversation that my friend -Filly- and I had last week. She was saying that, people need to change, but change to be better for sure. And we are oblige to be. for if cannot or even do not want to change.. It means that we are just like dead person, and we are find guilty.


Sunday, June 29, 2008


It was an interesting race on last Sunday, 22 June 2008. The race was won by Felipe Massa (Ferrari) where he recorded a time of 1:30:50.245 for a total of 70 laps. Felipe start the race on second grid while the 2007 world champion, Kimi Raikkonen, was the one who is in the pole position. But, the fortune was not on Kimi’s side for he unfortunately had to hand over his chance to stand on the first place of podium to his team mate Felipe Massa because Kimi Raikkonen had an incident of having a technical problem on his exhaust pipe.

Different story was experienced by Lewis Hamilton. On qualifying session, he was the third fastest, but since he got penalty for bumping into Kimi Raikkonen's car on pit lane on Cananda F1 GP, so he had to start from the 13th grid, then he gain no point at the end of the race for his move of passing Vettel on the opening lap was considered as ‘illegal’ by the stewards force Hamilton to have a drive-through penalty and cost him time and a tenth place at the end of the race.

An unfortunate also went along with Jenson Button, because he had to retire from the race due to his accident damage. And the rest of time on the race was filled with so many incident and drama, giving below result at the end of the race:

Position - Driver (Time)
1.) Felipe Massa (1:31:50)
2.) Kimi Raikkonen (+17.9)
3.) Jarno Trully (+28.2)
4.) Heikki Kovalainen (+28.9)
5.) Robert Kubica (+30.5)
6.) Mark Webber (+40.3)
7.) Nelsinho Piquet (+41.0)
8.) Fernando Alonso (+43.3)
9.) David Coulthard (+51.0)
10.) Lewis Hamilton (+54.5)
11.) Timo Glock (+57.7)
12.) Sebastian Vettel (+58.0)
13.) Nick Heidfeld (+62.0)
14.) Rubens Barrichello (+1 lap)
15.) Kazuki Nakajima (+1 lap)
16.) Nico Rosberg (+1 lap)
17.) Sebastian Bourdais (+1 lap)
18.) Giancarlo Fisichella (+1 lap)
19.) Adrian Sutil (+1 lap)
Ret. Jenson Button (Accident damage)

Driver standings (top ten):
1. Felipe Massa
2. Robert Kubica
3. Kimi Raikkonen
4. Lewis Hamilton
5. Nick Heidfeld
6. Heikki Kovalainen
7. Jarno Trully
8. Mark Webber
9. Fernando Alonso
10. Nico Rosberg

Constructor Standings (top five):
1. Ferrari
2. BMW Sauber
3. McLaren – Mercedes
4. Red Bull – Renault
5. Toyota



Saturday, June 21, 2008


Magny - Cours

The Qualifying will be held on Saturday, 21 June 2008 @ 7 pm (wib)
The Race will be held on Sunday, 22 June 2008 @ 7 pm (wib)
Drivers will have 70 laps race. Each lap is 4.411 Km. Total distance is 308.586 Km

Recent Driver Standings (best 10):
1) 42 - R. Kubica
2) 38 - L. Hamilton
3) 38 - F. Massa
5) 28 - N. Heidfeld
6) 15 - H. Kovalainen
7) 15 - M. Webber
8) 12 - J. Trulli
9) 9 - F. Alonso
10) 8 - N. Rosberg

Constructor Standings (best 5):
1) 73 - Ferrari
2) 70 - BMW Sauber
3) 53 - McLaren Mercedes
4) 21 - Red Bull - Renault
5) 17 - Toyota

P.S. Good luck for Mr. Kimi Räikkönen!! God speed...

Last match i watched.. Croatia vs Turkey, last night 20 June 2008.
The result score is 1-3 for Turkey. Means, Turkey go for the semifinal against the Germany team on wednesday, 25 June 2008, Basel (st. Jacob-Park)

Go...go...Germany...CAYO!!! Roast the Turkey -hehehe...- ;)
Awaken late at night, i just played with my phone... It's 12.03 am shown on my watch. Hmm..why dont i just switch on the television to see some box office or music video..hmpf..nothing's interesting.
Keep searching...keep searching...eyes on the phone...eyes on the television. Gosh! There's nothing interesting on every channel at this time! Boring..boring..boring...
1 hour has past. But i just can't sleep.. What should i do then?!
Wait a sec.. There's football match in this hour ^.^ ow yeah... Maybe it's a good match... Croatia vs Turkey... I don't get this game a bit actually, but yea i kinda like this game.
Yea what a hack i will just watch the game..see some hot guys on the field ;) -ya know what i mean..hehe-
Good luck there you guys... Don't let us, 'the insoms' fall asleep while watching... (",)

God bless...

Saturday, June 14, 2008


This morning when i'm cleaning out the old file on the computer at home I found these nice images -i just notice-... I looked at the images and i said 'woow' and felt like wanna share these images to you guys... Enjoyyy...

*)Take a look at the white one.. it stand out of the crowd ^^ nice...

*) Wild Berry

*) These are wild flowers grow on a cliff... quite amazing, huh??! :)

*) Mushroom: 'can we eat this?'

*) Looks like fatamorgana... it is?? or, it isn't??

*) Blooming Desert... cool..


i time

I don't know, it has became my custom to have an ' i time ' on saturday which i usually spend most of the time to browse internet for hours.. Like what i'm doing now,..Hehe...when i woke up, i just automatically grab the phone, and there the custom goes..internet... And for sure i would continue what i'm doing on computer right after i can get up from bed ;p

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tenang.. Aman.. Damai...

Saat lidah seolah kelu tak mampu berucap...
Saat mata seolah tertutup tak dapat melihat...
Saat tubuh mengeluh tak sanggup bergerak...
Doa, satu-satunya penyangga jiwa yang tertidur lelap...
Memimpin asa menyibak kebenaran di tengah labirin dosa kelam...
Bagai sang tiang api dan awan, menjaga bangsa...
Tenang.. Aman.. Damai...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday....

Today is my Birthday ^^ Thank you Bapa for the days you gave me... So many blessings happened. I respect every ups and downs --even lebi banyak down nya, jg tetep respect koq (^o^) sumpah!-- he he..

Anyway , yg bikin seneng, td tepat tengah malem si dia ngasih beratus-ratus ucapan selamat ulang tahun di Friendster ^^ hmmm.. Terima kasih yaahhh...

Happy Birthday Lentut!!!

Anything would happen in this coming year.. just bring it on... huahahuahah...

And the journey has just begunn.......

Hmmm.... This is my first official blog site (in blogspot) ever... so, I may not have much things to say in this first post. But later i WILL write things happen in my life. What I just have done, my dreams, my plans, my crazy thoughts, inspirations -hehehe, if I have one-, imaginations, reviews, articles, etc, etc... Pokoke.. I will share all about me... But,. Later on... Hehehehee...

Till then.. May you enjoy your life..!! like meee...!!

God Bless,
